Welcome to the Spring Term
Welcome back!
This term's Geography topic is 'Frozen Kingdom'. It is all about cold places in earth where only a select few animals and humans live.
At the bottom of this page is a collection of documents related to this unit including Knowledge Organiser, vocabulary sheets and optional home leaving activities.
Children will learn reading, writing, speaking and listening through different units based on high-quality texts. This term the theme of our stories will be migration and movement. We will start the term by basing our writing on the book 'Windrush Child'.
We teach Reading through the Destination Reader scheme at Oaklands. Children will be learning the reading skills of prediction, inference, clarification, evaluation, questioning and making links.
At Oaklands we teach through the White Rose scheme. We will start the term by teaching place value before moving on to methods for the four operations.
In Science, we will be exploring the circulatory system. This will be achieved through a blend of theoretical learning and practical investigations.
We use Purple Mash to help with our Computing learning. This term we will create programs by coding.
Language Angels is the scheme we use for French teaching at Oaklands. We will start this term by learning how to say the date in French
Using Charanga, the children will learn how to: listen and appreciate music; sing in groups and to play along with known songs. They will have the opportunity to improvise using instruments as well.
In PE, children will learn tag rugby and gymnastics. It will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays where we will continue to wear our PE kit to school. The kit consists of a sky blue polo, royal blue Oaklands jumper, royal blue cotton shorts, socks and suitable sports trainers. For health and safety reasons, earrings and watches should be removed for all PE lessons and long hair must be tied up.
Reading: Every night (15 minutes)Reading books will be changed when needed and each pupil will take two books home depending on their level of reading ability. Please make sure children have their books available to read every day.
Maths/Literacy: Maths and literacy homework will be set every week, it will focus on skills currently being taught in class, areas previously taught and occasionally will contain content that is upcoming, allowing your child to apply their knowledge. The purpose of this homework is to support in-class learning but to also prepare your child for the increased level and quantity of homework as they enter secondary school.
On Thursday afternoons, Mrs Bissmire and Miss McGrath will teach PE and RSHE. We are supported in class by Mrs Pepechkova. If you, or anyone you know, has skills or knowledge that could enrich our in-class learning, we would love to hear from you and see if we can make use of this in our lessons.
If you have any concerns, or questions regarding your child, please contact the school office (admin@oaklands.herts.sch.uk) to arrange a meeting.
Kind regards,
Mr Butler
Year Six Teacher
English Lead
Computing Lead
Year six teacher
Useful information to support your child in the project 'Maafa'
Below are three PDF documents.
- The first is an optional home learning activity document that will support your child in their learning and developing their knowledge.
- The second is a topic information sheet showing you the main areas of learning that we will be covering in the classroom.
- The third is a range of vocabulary that we will be using throughout the project.
Please discuss these with your child, as it will enhance their overall understanding of the project.