Welcome to Year 1 - Willow
This page is where you can find out about our learning in Year 1, our projects and what we will be learning this term.
In year 1, we build upon our high quality early years principles and practice and continue to provide children with elements of independent, play-based learning. Our school experience and research tells us that young children learn best through play, exploration and hands on learning. We achieve this through our Mission Based Learning!
‘Play is absolutely essential to learning because it IS learning.’ Bottrill (2020)
Spring Term 2025!
Our driver project this term is 'Bright Lights, Big City'.
In this Geography project, we learn about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the characteristics and features of the capital city.
As Scientists! Learning about Seasonal Changes, we will be observing and talking about the changes in weather and the seasons as well as carrying out simple investigations.
As Designers, through our 'Taxi' project, we will be learning about wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move.
As artists, we learn through our topic 'Rain and Sun rays'. We explore collagraph printing, including how to develop a motif to make single and repeated prints.
In PE -We will focus on Target Games with Miss Haley and Dance with Mrs Bell. We are fortunate to have Coach Will working with us on a Monday afternoon this half term.
In RE - We learn about Purim, the lively festival that commemorates the strength of the Jewish people.
As musicians, we follow Charanga. The children will learn how to: listen and appreciate music, sing in groups and play along with known songs. They will have the opportunity to improvise using a range of instruments as well.
Computing - Year 1 will begin learning about online safety. We use Purple Mash for our computing lessons which is a child-friendly site if you would like to access this at home for any extra practice.
Our Literacy text this half term is 'Beegu'. We will create posters, guides, captions, letters, speech bubbles, retellings, short reports.
In Maths we will build upon our understanding of 10, to focus on 'Place Value Within 20'.
Useful information to support your child during our Spring term projects and for phonics and writing can be found in the PDF files at the bottom of the page.
- PE is on a Monday and a Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.
- Guided and individual reading will take place throughout the week, so please send in reading folders every day.
- Reading books and library books will be changed weekly.
If there is anything you need to ask or find out more about, please email the school office (admin@oaklands.herts.sch.uk) to arrange a time to chat with a member of the team.
We look forward to working with you all!
Miss Haley and the Year 1 team.