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We are incredibly proud of our Ofsted result, which you can access below. Please take the time to read the letter to parents that went out alongside the report, as it provides context for the journey of rapid improvement that has taken place since our previous inspection. 

We are also glad to update you on the progress made towards the two areas for improvement (AFI) identified by Ofsted. See below: - 

AFI 1  

In some foundation subjects, leaders have planned a curriculum with a lot of content to cover. Teachers are not clear what key knowledge to focus on in the time given and so cover these subjects at a superficial level. This means pupils are not developing enough depth of knowledge in these subjects. Leaders need to review these curriculum subjects to clearly ascertain what pupils need to know. Leaders then need to be clear that the time given to teach this knowledge in depth is manageable.

What the school has done: -

Leaders have thoroughly audited the curriculum to ensure that key knowledge and skills from the National Curriculum are taught, whilst removing unnecessary content. This allows pupils to develop a deeper understanding across the curriculum, whilst ensuring that knowledge builds cumulatively over time and is clearly sequenced. 


In some foundation subjects, leaders have also not explicitly identified the exact prior learning pupils need to build on. This means, in these subjects, pupils are not making connections with what they already know. This limits how well they can achieve the detail of knowledge leaders intend. Leaders need to ensure that prior learning is explicitly signposted in these subjects. Teachers must then check that pupils can recall securely this prior learning before teaching pupils something new.

What the school has done: -

Teachers are provided with clear planning which makes explicit what previously learnt knowledge is being built upon.  This includes visual aids on a page which refer to key concepts, classroom displays, and teacher input.

Pupils now have a different book for each foundation subject (those subjects other than maths and English) rather than a generic ‘Topic’ book. This means that children are very clear about which subject they are working on. These books are passed up as children move through school, allowing them to refer to previously learnt concepts.  

Our Herts for Learning School Effectiveness Advisor, an external body who quality assures practice across the school, commented in Summer 2024, “Leaders and staff know the strengths and priorities for development. There is a shared understanding and training matches areas for improvement.  Leaders have worked to successfully strengthen the clarity of the curriculum.”