
Welcome to Hazel Class
Here are some photographs of our lovely learning environment so you can see our classroom. In Hazel Class, our teacher is Miss Poole. Our teaching assistants are called Mrs Coward & Mrs Randall. We also have some other support staff who will visit us to help.
Mrs Andreas supports us during the week and teaches PSHE.
Autumn term 2024
Our topic for the first half-term is ‘All About Me’.
In this topic we will get to know each other and start to appreciate what makes us all unique. We will share our likes and dislikes, create self-portraits and talk about the special people in our lives. We will also focus on the Oaklands values and being a part of the school community.
At Oaklands we follow the Little Wandle Phonics scheme. This term we will learn the phase 2 sounds and will develop our letter formation. We will focus on saying the pure sounds and will then start to blend these sounds to read words. We will also bring home a phonics book to share with a parent or carer. Initially, these will be wordless books. There will be lots of opportunities to embed our learning through our wonderful classroom environment and outdoor provision.
Please visit the parents page on the Little Wandle Website for more support and guidance.
In maths, we will begin by matching, sorting and comparing objects. We will look at similarities and differences and discuss different ways we can sort and group items. We will then look at numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and will explore number composition.
In PE we will be introduced to Physical Education and structured movement through the topic of 'fantasy and adventure'. We will spend time learning basic principles of a PE lesson such as finding space, freezing on command, using and sharing equipment and working individually or with a partner. We will take part in activities which will develop fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, skipping.
- PE is on a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on this day.
- Guided reading will take place throughout the week, so please send in reading folders every day.
- Library books will be changed on a Tuesday.
- Reading books will be collected in on a Thursday and will then be changed for Friday.
Please get in contact if you have any questions.
Miss Poole & the reception team.

If you will be taking part in any celebrations or festivals, please let us know, as we would very much like to celebrate these with you. If you would like to come in and talk to the class about your celebration, we would very much welcome you to do so!