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Breakfast/ASC Club

Wrap Around Care

At Oaklands Primary School, we understand that due to work commitments it may be necessary for you to leave your children in our care, outside of school hours.

With this in mind at the start of the day, we offer a Breakfast Club running from 7.45am until the school day commences. Children can enjoy a wide range of healthy cereals and toast. After breakfast the children can engage in a range of craft and construction activities to keep them busy. 

At the other end of the day, our After School Club runs until 6pm. This club runs in two sessions; session one finishing at 4.30 and session two finishing at 6pm. Parents can pick their children up at any time within the hours of their chosen session but will be charged for the number of sessions booked. 

Both Breakfast Club and After School Club are run by Oaklands' experienced and dedicated staff. We use in-house staff to ensure that the consistency and expectations from the school day continue in to the evening. The children are safe and happy, and have a range of engaging activities to chose from including a choice of indoor or outdoor play.

All children can help themselves to a fruity snack from a mixed-fruit platter and a drink, at the start of each session and children staying for session two will also enjoy a light snack, carefully planned for it's nutritional links to our main meals at lunchtime.

2022 rates are as follows:

Breakfast Club £4.00 per session and is run on a pre-book pre-pay system

After School Club session 1 until 4.30pm is £7.00

After School Club sessions 1 and 2 until 6pm is £12.00

After school club is run on a contract basis with all contracted sessions payable.  

For further information please contact Mrs Murley on T: 01438 715278 or via email:

The school office is not manned after 4.00pm and as such please use the ASC mobile for any emergency from 3.15pm such as late pick up or different person collecting -

ASC Mobile 07596 491507

ASC Contract